Welcome to my blog.

The idea here is to keep track of the important things, that I would otherwise forget, disregard or ignore.

I expect the content to be mostly knitting related. I'm way jel of my internet knitting friends who have humongous lists of accomplishments.

I'm sure I'm accomplished. I just can't remember how. ;-)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I've sadly neglected my poor blog.  I'm back, but only because I found cute stuff and need a place to put it.  Ah hemmm:   I have Earned Knitting Badges from the KSA.  Knitting Scouts of America.  Or something like that.  Anywho:  I deserve these because I qualified for each based on many hours of hard(ly) work, sincere dedication to my craft and other stuff.

“MacGyver” Badge (Level One) – The recipient must demonstrate clever use of a non-knitting tool in a knitting-related scenario. For instance, using the tray lock switch on the aeroplane to hold my knitting bag.

The “I Will Impress You With My Math Prowess” Badge – The recipient is a whiz at substituting yarns and calculating gauge, can space increases and decreases evenly and is fully comfortable with the basic math encountered in all knitting projects.  Whiz may be a tad too strong, lets just say I do, on practically every occasion substitute, change, ignore and otherwise mess with and or screw up knitting instructions while on many occasions finish with a mostly recognizable work of "artful" knitting.

 Proselytize Knitting Badge  Earned by knitting in public, engaging total strangers in conversations about knitting, (attempting to) teaching people to knit

The “I’ve Knit Items With No Conceivable Practical Application” Badge – Recipients are those “special” campers who have knit items which somehow missed the mark of their intended application. There are probably more who are deserving of this badge than one would expect.  I have nothing to add. other than admit that I've earned it...

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