Welcome to my blog.

The idea here is to keep track of the important things, that I would otherwise forget, disregard or ignore.

I expect the content to be mostly knitting related. I'm way jel of my internet knitting friends who have humongous lists of accomplishments.

I'm sure I'm accomplished. I just can't remember how. ;-)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

1)  Terri's socks.  Waiting for another ball of yarn.  Who sells balls of yarn that weighs 66 grams? 
2)  My socks.  No purl Monkey socks with beads above the YOs.  I'm so excited that I spent the entire evening reading email instead of knitting.  Will someone explain me to me, please?
3)  Four, or was it five little make-up bags for Chanukah gifts.  One started about a month ago...

Monday, October 26, 2009

I've seen things lke this on other blogs, so I thought I'd try to add one.  Here goes nothing....

General Intelligent Nullification and Galactic Exploration Replicant

Get Your Cyborg Name

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Well, something has finally moved me to post a post on my blog. It's STITCHES EAST. OMG! What fun! I went with A and women from her crochet guild. Nice people. Someone should teach them to knit. lol It's a joke, keep you hooks off of me.

It was fabulous. We got there early, before it opened. Since the crocheters were volunteering to teach crochet they let us in early. As I had no official duties I proceeded to wander aound and look at all of the bountious amounts of wonderful stuff. I was so happy I almost cried! Really!!

As we are in the first month of attempting to live within our means, ha, I didn't have alot of money to spend, but I still managed to spend more than I should. But oh man. I could have bought a whole bunch more.

I didn't take any pictures there so the only illustration for this post will be the photo of my stash enhancement commited there.